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Friday, December 30, 2005

hahas guess wad my cheesecake turned out to be? all thnx to my sis it became bitter instd of sweet n totally unfit for consumption as she didnt sieve out all the tea leaves. in d end i hae to throw my hard work away cos stupid her mistook jasmine tea leaves for gelatine! how blur can a person get man. argh. nvm peeps here's some tips for u if u eva wish to make a bitter tastin cheesecake (thou i hae no idea why u may wish to do so), put in some tea bt pls rmber sieve out d tea leaves kaes!
Thursday, December 29, 2005

hahas finally both bins n i found jobs. d journey was long n tedious man. wasted a few daes wif tons of travellin, fillin up upteen forms n nt to forget gettin conned by pple! ( i shant elaborate or dis entry will be super looong. refer to bins blog for more details if u wish to noe). bt oh wells decided tat jobs aint tat easy to find. we were jus lucky d first time round. okies i shall work hard nw regardless of it bein admin or sales. no more impulsive quittin man. hahas bins u too k. we dun wanna go thru all those tirin process agn!
Tuesday, December 27, 2005

ok so my previous job was rather suxy. colleagues, envt, supervisor n stuff. bt it made me realise qt a number of tings, made me tink more n grow up a bit.

we may nt be pleased when we hear pple sae tat we r a protected grp, sheltered frm d evils n ills of d outside world by our parents n govt. we tink ourselves to be independent teens/young adults capable of doin wadeva we may wish to. well d truth may hurt. it turn out tat we, regardless of how streetwise n how much we tink we seem to understand d adult world, r jus too innocent. we do nt noe how schemin n 2 sided pple can becum, how bad backstabbin can get... it is no longer like when we r young. we can so openly sae 'hmprh i dun fren u' in kindergarten or lower pri. tings get complicated when we grow older n we get all entangled in d web of human relation.

hae been job huntin wif bins for d past few daes. is it reallie so diff to get a job u like bt still pays a reasonable rate? well maybe i'm jus too picky. pple pls choose a job (even thou it's temp) or a course in uni tat u reallie enjoy or u'll be d one who suffers ultimately!
Thursday, December 22, 2005

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our pwettie hotel at gentin. look it's so colourful

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nice sceneries at gentin

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wif d cute elephant. *grins.

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on d elephant ride in d theme park. childish us :p

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waitin to go down to kl while daddy ck settle all d admin work. hard on u!

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d view outside me n fel hotel rm at ancasa kl

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opps tat's our messy rm. u can see my bag right smack in d middle. geesh

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dinner on d 3rd dae. satisfied us! fd was gd n cheap

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at breakfast table on d last dae

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waitin to head back to sg. home sweet home

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special thnx to bin's cousin for bein our tour guide. otherwise we wld nt hae gotten so many cheap deals n stuff

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Monday, December 19, 2005

actually odd number is reallie qt suxy. like in cliques of 3 esp, dere'll be bound to be one bein d odd one out. oh wells bt it cant be helped sometimes isnt it?
pple alwaies sae tat a true fren shld tell d truth even if it may nt be very pleasin to d ear. dat i agree bt maybe one can try to be a bit more careful wif her words. one can translate d same message in so many diff ways so why do it d way dat may hurt ur fren? these comin frm ur fren is damn insultin n i'm sure no one wld wan dat bein said to her. saein d truth is one ting bt if u hafta do it this way i rather u nt tell me man. a fren shld be sensitive to ur feelings too rite? so maybe while u r haein fun n all u shld look out for ur frens who may be haein some difficulties, be dere to encourage rather den poke fun.
maybe one shld nt be so self centred. everyting is me me n me. quit complainin n actin like a spoilt brat. ur parents may alwaies gif in to u bt ur frens r nt obliged to put up wif all ur nonsense. pmsin is nt a excuse. humans can hae our moods bt u shld quit kickin up sucha fuss over small tings.
everyting goes in a circle. wad u gif comes back to u. u reap wad u sow. so if u wan pple to treat u gd u betta be nice to dem.
ok ok pple jus ignore me i'm jus rantin...

on deeper thoughts i tink frens r like magnets. all of us hae flaws be it some chips off at some parts or distorted shapes... d closer we get to someone d more obvious these will become. we can choose to accept dem or look upon dem wif disdain. whicheva d case, it will determine whether d frenship will continue to blossom or end jus dere. we will either repel d person (tat is if we decide tat we r of same poles n cant coexist harmoniously) or attract her even more regardless of d flaws she may hae. it'll be difficult to change a person n somewad ridiculous to change ur fren to become who u wish her to be. for she'll nt be d one whom u noe n got 'attracted' to right frm d start. let's all try to overlook our frens shortcomings n focus on their gds instd. i love all of u pple out dere. hope u feel d same too. accept me for who i'm =)
Saturday, December 17, 2005

wow d daes went past so fast n soon our trip ended. was a gd break away frm work n all n i reallie enjoyed myself. had qt alot of fun on d trip n spent time wif my darlin ah sohs esp fel since we shared rooms on both nites. did qt abit of shoppin n got some stuff for my parents n frens. d fd n shoppin in kl was great. aniwae got to thnx bins cousin for bringin us ard. troubled her alot. if w/o her we wld hae jus gotten lost n wld nt hae gotten so many cheap deals. n oso thnx to ck who organised d trip n settled all d paper work for us. he's like our daddy like tat. n grace wld hae to be our mummy. *grins.
okies fel mon n grace send me all d pics we took on d trip kaes. i'll pester u for dem. hees

dis trip to msia made me feel damn contented n lucky to be livin in sg. we may alwaies compare ourselves wif us uk n those western ctries n yearn for their lifestyle n stuff bt do nt realise how fortunate we r.
some pple hae to resort to beggin on d streets for a livin. dey r all 'disabled' wif limbs chopped off n stuff. learnt tat dere r many of such pple in msia where organisations do these to dem n use dem to make money. omg! nt tat i nv hear of tat b4 bt it's jus shockin to see dem myself. even got a scare when i saw dem. dey were all so pitiful! well at least all these r nt common in sg. d govt makes sure tat everyone has a decent form of livin n stuff. due to this others call us a nanny state bt is it gd or bad? it's debatable.
n at least d streets of sg r safe at nite. those in kl or at least near our hotel area r qt sleazy n all those guys r so perverted man. keep starin n starin non stop. me n fel r even afraid tat d police dere may rob us. hahas.
so whilst u r comparin urself to others n tinkin bout how much betta off dey r den u maybe u shld take a step back n look at those tat r worse off. humans r greedy creatures bt we shld learn to be contented wif our lot.
Sunday, December 11, 2005

prom was an unforgetable nite. a pity 2 yrs of jc life came to an end wif dis one nite. had many fond memories in hc wif all my frens =)

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my class 04s67! see everyone look so great man.

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SHAYDES aka AH SOH GANG! my prettie darlins. simply love dem! =)
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happie family(dunoe how it started tink cos of class chalet n dey made me d maid! argh.)

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all d lovely gers of 67. lookin so beautiful tat nite

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d hunks of 67.check dem out man.

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vnr n tahanners.

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after prom party. clubbin at indochine

was so tired after everyting. only had like 3 hrs of slp b4 i had to wake up n go for work. groans. i hate my job!
Friday, December 02, 2005


work was slightly betta at mercedes benz todae. more angmohs. less prcs. bt we were like some info counter as tons of pple asked us for directions. feet hurtin like crazee frm 2 daes of standin on heels =( tmr will be workin same shift agn. argh. my shifts like sux la. 1400-2300. cant even go out wif frens n stuff. lookin fwd to my dae off on sun. still gotta long wae to go.

sittin on bike is fun! my first time. qt excitin. d wind jus keep blowin against u n stuff. n it's damn fast la.

gonna slp else will be damn shagged tmr at work.